Saturday, 6 February 2010

swine flu, hospital, a lovely xmas and being wheelchaired to the bog!

I've been wanting to blog for a while but every to I try to I end up feeling sick, you see I've had swine flu just before xmas which put me in hospital for just under 2 weeks and was told if I hadn't been looked after so well I wouldn't be here, which is a very scary thing. Anyway I spent a week and a bit in pediatric intensive care and 6 days M.I.U ward 11 and you can still see my bloody I.V marks where my I.V's were put in, I was like a human pin cushion. enough about hospital now though just a big big thanks to the lovely nurses who chatted to me and listened I appairated you all!!
Anyway now I am on 24 hour NIV and can't manage off it for more than a couple of minutes, I can't walk anywhere at the mo and have to be wheelchaired in the house mum and dad are my full time careers and are amazing we had a lovely xmas and they really made it special for me I am in a lot of pain now and take 20mg of oxynorn every 4 hours and oxycomtin 60mg every 12 hours and some nerve pain tabs. So my tablet intake has gone up but I have to be thankful for mum dad and holly as long as I have them for support I know I can be happy whatever is happening.

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