What is an organ transplant?
Only 50 percent of people waiting get a transplant the rest die or get taken off the list..
Almost a million more people pledged to help others after their death by registering their wishes on the NHS Organ Donor Register, bringing the total to 17,400,213(September 2010).
There is about 10 000 people in the UK waiting for a transplant
3 people die a day waiting
You need to talk to your loved ones because 40 percent of families refuse to donate
Four people out of hundred give blood
Out of the whole UK population there are only 13 000 who donate give platlets
Lung transplants are not very common because of the lack of donors. Each patient must go through a careful screening process to make sure he or she is a good candidate for a lung transplant.
During the lung transplant, the surgeon will make a cut in your chest to open it. He or she will remove your diseased lung and connect the main airway of the donor lung to your airway and its blood vessels to those of your heart. For a double-lung transplant, the surgeon will remove your diseased lungs, one at a time, and replace them with the donor lungs. You may be placed on a heart-lung bypass machine during the surgery
After surgery, you'll spend several days in the hospital's intensive care unit. Then you will go to a hospital room. The staff will carefully watch your recovery. On average, people spend 7 weeks in the hospital.
Other organs (such as the kidney) may be taken from living donors
To cut down the chance of rejection, patients may be given drugs such as cyclosporin to suppress their immune system.