If you want to get in touch for any reason regarding organ donation or OB or my dogs heres my email address katy_savage1@hotmail.co.uk or add me on facebook I am also on twitter KatySavage is my user name
Hi i'm katy, little katy to my mates.. have two dogs, a tattoo and waiting for new lungs...
I have OB its pretty rare... to raise a little bit of awareness heres what it is..Obliterative Bronchiolitis (OB) is a rare and currently irreversible lung disease that occurs in children and adults after injury to the lower respiratory tract. The small airways in the lungs become inflamed and scarred and this can often progress to obstructive lung disease. As the small airways are no longer working properly the patient developes a chronic cough, prolonged wheeze, shortness of breath and is unable to maintain any prolonged exercise. OB can be caused by infection, pneumonia particularly with virus's called adenovirus...