Saturday, 7 November 2009

piss off cold.. and the rest of the week

So dad has got a job soon or should have as long as it comes of (his cousins husband is sorting it through his work) was ment to be starting on my birthday how bad is that ? At least that ain't happening lol not because he didn't want to though because it isn't all sorted yet!! Down side its in plymouth.. (and the reason this bit sound bitchy lol) 4 and a half hours away.. 10 hours a day go at the start of the week come back on friday.. good money just won't get to see him.. I wasn't to happy was really upset to be honest I know he needs a job, but was really scared if i get a phone call then wouldn't see him before it all happened... Anyway he's driving down not taking the train so there is less chance of that happening.. I'm on my own for a lot longer.. will have to go back to the one meal a day routen when i am feeling too ruff to bung something in the mircowave (so thats nearly every day then haha) mums gonna do half days some days and 8-3 others so am gonna feel like shit and lonely haha!! Thank god for lovefilm!!
My mircowave is ace though... I can now have a mocha when i wake up the last time 2 years ago I tried to use the kettle i burned my right arm.. can't do that again that is where my lovely tinkerbell tattoo now sits with the oasis quote and everything !!! She is nearly a year old is my wonderful inkage.
Going to get a louis malloy tattoo in march belles portriat with her name and snowflakes because when I was a really young kid we used to play frisby in the snow she loved the snow when she was a young dog and I just need my baby girl with me forever.. When I last went to harefield her picture sat on my knee whislst I was doing my blows.. they bloody hurt last time as well lol, her picture got me to get them slightly better than the 1st 3 because the lady was saying they were down they were still down in the end but not as much so that was better.. Belles gonna sit on my other forarm..
Had a badish cold for mums birthday up to 30mg prednisalone extra nebs and extra antiboitics, I spoke to Gp on the phone credit where credit do he was really nice but wanted to come and see me well i would of been going the bad place because they don't know that wheezy is normal loads and loads of rubbish isn't or sneezing for that matter but I am ok lol.. not spending mums birthday or mine there .. lol
will blog again after my birthday so i can remember later on what I had hehe.. oooh and my dad aint terrible or anything the 1st post makes him sound it thats not what i want ANYONE to think its just how it is!! mums ace too shes got our hair booked in as a birthday treat gonna get some nice colour put in it <3 how kind!!!

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