Sunday, 2 August 2009

My well list of things to do!!

Katy's wish list For when I'm well...

To be a proper big sister to holly

Be able to walk my Dogs - Poppy and Delilah - my two saint bernards

Take my little sister - holly to alton towers

Go out and have a good nights drinking with friends

To send my mum and dad to a nice hotel or wine tasting place - to say sorry for putting them though all this

To do a bungee jump

To do a sky dive

Work with the RSPCA or Dogs Trust

Tour the USA

Tour Japan

Go and watch boxing with my dad

Go and see england and stoke city football match

Run a marthon

Compete in the transplant games

And really just to be complete and normal..

1 comment:

  1. yeah like the alton towers idea don't daft u are a proper big sis to me, you are the best big sis in the universe! hey what about gettin a tattoo ith me! :P lv u xxxx


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