Friday, 11 June 2010

eventful day!

Today I watched the opening ceremony to the world cup and the 1st match, South Africa v Mexico.
Then mum came in and we went to meet the local MP, she was a lovely lady. She said that she would like to help about getting more people to sign the organ doner register. She said that we could either do it anonymously or she could say who I am and what I am going through because to get a transplant my life would change dramatically I would have my life back. I could walk my dogs hell I could walk around without getting so breathless I can't breath or having to use my wheelchair for support. So that was a very positive meeting!
I am now watching France V Uruguay.
England v USA tomorrow com'on England!!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

what I've been up too!

Well this week I've had holly off. Its half term and we have had great fun, we've been up to hanley, we've watched films and we've chilled outside. I also went out for a meal with two of my lovely friends last week it was a great night out we had a great laugh and the food was yum! The dougie mac nurse and dr have been out to see me this week i am falling asleep to much so they are going to give me a drug to keep me awake, which is something i am looking forward to. Also i feel sick alot so they are giving me something else for my sickness.

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